Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Apple Music Now Has Playlists That Feature Songs Played On Fender Guitars

If you play the guitar, there’s a very good chance that you might have heard (or even own) of Fender guitars. For the uninitiated, Fender is a guitar manufacturer that has been around for decades, with their guitars finding their way into the hands of many legendary musicians across a variety of genres.
This is because Fender guitars have a very unique sound to them that many guitar players seem to love, and if you agree to that statement, you might be interested to learn that Fender and Apple have teamed up for specially curated Apple Music playlists, where these playlists will feature songs that were performed using Fender guitars.
There will be five playlists to choose from with each playlist featuring a different genre. According to Fender CMO Evan Jones, “We’re pleased to partner with Apple, to bring a Fender-curated music experience to long-time Fender fans and those just discovering the brand. These five new playlists honor a diverse range of iconic artists and visionaries, and an emerging generation of artists, who are driving guitar and music forward.”
So if you are trying to decide on which brand of guitar to buy, perhaps these playlists might give you a better idea on the kind of music and sound that you might be able to coax out of a Fender guitar.
Source from http://www.ubergizmo.com/2017/07/apple-music-playlists-fender-guitars/
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